hello home.

Hello Home.

bits and pieces of life because my memory is so bad i'm afraid i'll never remember the most glorious details.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

{ don't stop.....believing! } (you have to sing the headline like Journey, otherwise it won't work)

anyone who knows me knows that i'm a dancer. even though i haven't danced in years, i still consider myself a dancer. i met some of my closest friends through dance, and i credit some of my biggest smiles and proudest moments to this long-standing passion. the days i danced are the days i will remember most. these days, the only dancing my soul gets is at a wedding, at a live music show or at a tiny dive bar (those dive bar dance scenes can get a little awkward). 

as i get older and my dance flame burns out my heart gets heavy. so i've decided to do something about it while i still have some pep in my step. 

now don't be scared, i'm about to say something that may sound absolutely ridiculous. i mean, i can't believe i'm about to do this but here it goes...

i'm auditioning for a dance co. today! 

i haven't danced in years (have i mentioned this yet?) and my flexibility is pretty much gone but the passion remains, the passion will always remain, so i'm going to give my soul a special treat today.

wish me a broken leg!
(that didn't sound right, but you know what i mean).

1 comment:

  1. How exciting and so inspiring!! Enjoy yourself and break a leg!!!


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