hello home.

Hello Home.

bits and pieces of life because my memory is so bad i'm afraid i'll never remember the most glorious details.

Monday, December 12, 2011


well, I did it! I danced in the nutcracker with the LA Unbound dance co this year and it was nothing short of glitter-tastic! 

i can't even begin to tell you how the stage makes me feel. it's the most warming/nerve wrecking/glorious feeling ever. and getting to perform for my husband (who has never seen me dance before), family (who always always always support me) and close friends (who were almost more excited than I was for the show) was absolutely euphoric!

after the show Dad came up to me and said,

"I almost forgot how happy you look when you're on that stage. I love seeing you that happy."


  1. I am just so happy for you! I hope you continue to follow your heart and dance! So glad your Mr., family and friends were there to not only support you but see the joy they saw in you as you did what you love! Yay for you!

  2. how amazing! And that is the cutest thing that your dad said!


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