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Hello Home.

bits and pieces of life because my memory is so bad i'm afraid i'll never remember the most glorious details.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

holiday photo shoot and a sleeping beauty

the super awesome folks over at smilebooth hosted a little holiday photo booth last weekend. i'm not the biggest fan of formal newborn photo shoots -- something kind of freaks me out about a naked baby wrapped in a feather boa or propped up with angel wings -- so i thought some fun smilebooth action would be perfect to satisfy the picture-on-a-card craving for the holidays.

here are a few of the shots that didn't make the cut. i must admit, we had a blast posing with our little treasure even though she was passed out the entire time. we tried to wake her but we failed miserably. sadly, we can't figure out how to get her to sleep this well at night.

p.s. the adorable outfit was handmade by one of my mom's friends. it fits her perfectly now but i doubt it will still fit her by christmas day.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I love that you can't wake up newborns, then three months later you are begging for them not to wake up from their naps! She is a beautiful babe, for sure!

    Just found your blog... now I'm off to read your birth story! Man, I love those! Happy Holidays and congrats on your little girl!


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