hello home.

Hello Home.

bits and pieces of life because my memory is so bad i'm afraid i'll never remember the most glorious details.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

19.5 weeks {half way there}

where have the weeks gone?! i can't believe this little mermaid inside me is nearly half way to the finish line. since i first felt her move a couple weeks ago, today was her most active day. i was even hoping her daddy could feel her for the first time (he did feel a tiny bubble) but i can't wait for those real kicks and nudges to start coming through so he can really feel her. 

the first few months of pregnancy are so nerve-wrecking and with every doctor's appointment i can feel myself holding my breath until i see that tiny heart flutter on the screen, but now that i can actually feel her inside me, this is a whole new ball game. it's like her tiny way of telling me that she's ok and that we're in this together. 

according to the books i'm reading, i'm supposed to be gaining a pound a week from here on out and judging from my eating habits this weekend, that's not going to be a tough goal to reach at all. for example, i made this insanely delicious lemonade cake on Friday and have been nibbling on it all week. and i've decided to make some firecracker cookies for the office this week -- i blame pinterest for my new baking addiction. good thing i'm on this pound a week diet because otherwise i'd be in big trouble. 

1 comment:

  1. I did the same thing. Holding my breath waiting to see the heartbeat - her heartbeat. So glad you and baby are doing well!!


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